Open Your Eyes.
27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 28 But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!
Luke 12:27-28
I have always been the type of girl who hated roller coasters. I'd avoid them at all cost. Every time we went to a theme park as a kid my brothers would be scoping out the biggest or highest or scariest roller coaster, while I would run in the other direction. And on the rare occasion that they actually got me in line for one, I'd spend the entire time worrying about the ride ahead. Then when I finally made it on board, I'd squeeze the person's hand next to me so tight that they'd lose feeling in their hands. As I've grown, I've also been known to throw out every curse word I know while we made our way up the giant hill ready to speed down turning sideways, up, down, and wherever. When we make it to the top ready for our decent down, I instinctively close my eyes and keep them shut the entire time.
This past week I boarded the plane for a milestone trip to Europe. I was terrified probably beyond the extent of my fear of roller coasters. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I boarded the plane. This would be an adventure, but one I didn't know if I'd be able to handle. As my first flight came in for its landing, I had the sudden urge to open my eyes and pull open the window shade. I looked outside and saw cloud upon cloud, with sun shining through. Shades of pink and yellow floated through rolling beauty. I was in awe and couldn't help but smile. I took the chance and opened my eyes and look what God had to show me.
I think in our lives, in my life, it's easy for us to close our eyes. There are things we shut ourselves off from. Things we don't want to see or don't want to feel so we turn our eyes from them. Like on the roller coaster, we just don't look, hold on, and wait until it is over.
But what do we miss when we do that? The ENTIRE ride. Sometimes the beauty in our lives, is hidden in moments in the midst of the roller coasters. But instead of opening our eyes to the hills and turns and facing the things that hurt or scare us, we close ourselves off and in turn miss the beauty too.
God's love for us is shown throughout creation. Consider the clouds. How many people actually get to see their beauty, so alive as I did through the plane window? But God made them beautiful. He poured into those clouds all the beauty He could, so that I would know His love for me! The trees, flowers, buildings, people, laughter...these are all reflections of His love. In a world that's no where near my home, I've seen that His love transcends countries, cultures, and languages. His love is so great that it's everywhere. And the truth is, it would have been easier to shut myself off and refuse to see it. But when I take the chance and open my eyes, I realize God has beautiful things to show me! Beautiful things that are just a small reflection of His perfect love for me!
Our lives are roller coasters. Not everything is going to be a straight path, with no hills or turns or twists, but don't close your eyes just because the ride challenges you! Open them, and look at the love and beauty that God has in store for you when you do!
Luke 12:27-28
I have always been the type of girl who hated roller coasters. I'd avoid them at all cost. Every time we went to a theme park as a kid my brothers would be scoping out the biggest or highest or scariest roller coaster, while I would run in the other direction. And on the rare occasion that they actually got me in line for one, I'd spend the entire time worrying about the ride ahead. Then when I finally made it on board, I'd squeeze the person's hand next to me so tight that they'd lose feeling in their hands. As I've grown, I've also been known to throw out every curse word I know while we made our way up the giant hill ready to speed down turning sideways, up, down, and wherever. When we make it to the top ready for our decent down, I instinctively close my eyes and keep them shut the entire time.
This past week I boarded the plane for a milestone trip to Europe. I was terrified probably beyond the extent of my fear of roller coasters. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I boarded the plane. This would be an adventure, but one I didn't know if I'd be able to handle. As my first flight came in for its landing, I had the sudden urge to open my eyes and pull open the window shade. I looked outside and saw cloud upon cloud, with sun shining through. Shades of pink and yellow floated through rolling beauty. I was in awe and couldn't help but smile. I took the chance and opened my eyes and look what God had to show me.
I think in our lives, in my life, it's easy for us to close our eyes. There are things we shut ourselves off from. Things we don't want to see or don't want to feel so we turn our eyes from them. Like on the roller coaster, we just don't look, hold on, and wait until it is over.
But what do we miss when we do that? The ENTIRE ride. Sometimes the beauty in our lives, is hidden in moments in the midst of the roller coasters. But instead of opening our eyes to the hills and turns and facing the things that hurt or scare us, we close ourselves off and in turn miss the beauty too.
God's love for us is shown throughout creation. Consider the clouds. How many people actually get to see their beauty, so alive as I did through the plane window? But God made them beautiful. He poured into those clouds all the beauty He could, so that I would know His love for me! The trees, flowers, buildings, people, laughter...these are all reflections of His love. In a world that's no where near my home, I've seen that His love transcends countries, cultures, and languages. His love is so great that it's everywhere. And the truth is, it would have been easier to shut myself off and refuse to see it. But when I take the chance and open my eyes, I realize God has beautiful things to show me! Beautiful things that are just a small reflection of His perfect love for me!
Our lives are roller coasters. Not everything is going to be a straight path, with no hills or turns or twists, but don't close your eyes just because the ride challenges you! Open them, and look at the love and beauty that God has in store for you when you do!
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