Dear Life in Ruins...a letter of HUMILITY.
Dear Life in Ruins, " Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies" John 11:25 They say, "Be careful what you wish for," and as someone, who is herself all around way too careful, I have made my wishes as such. But, when you start making plans you never stop to consider what God may have to show you as a result. It was never our wish really, we did not even comprehend all it could mean, and we certainly did not expect what it would produce, but somewhere along the way God placed on our hearts a retreat weekend based on the theme, "Let the ruins come to life." When we picked this theme, last fall, we never saw how God would build it into so much of our lives this spring. And maybe we chose the theme after thoughtful consideration as to what God wanted, or maybe God picked the theme for us most certainly from the beginning, but either way it goes, chicken then egg or egg then chicken, that th...