
Showing posts from July, 2017


I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1 I have a minor obsession with names. And by minor, I mean, well major. I have named and renamed my future children hundreds of times.  I pick books by the words on the cover, analyze songs by the title, and literally pick my toenail polish based on the name. Currently I'm rocking the "Two Time Zones" shade of hot pink.  I guess it's no surprise that a lover of words and writing would want to know the name of everything and everyone and  have such a passion for knowing the story behind each name. Because, I think the truth is, we can tell a lot by a name.  This past week I shared some time with my papa in the home he retired in. We reminisced about my childhood, amazing trips, and family functions. We shared laughter, and tears, and went through some of his most treasured possessions. And I won't name them all, but I will admit, the joy I found in his collection of Hummels was discovering the name of each p...