“Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Hebrews 10:23 Endings. I hate them. A certain sadness hits as you realize that's where the story ends. I hate goodbyes. I hate leaving behind the known for an uncertain future. And to be honest while new beginnings are refreshing, they can be terrifying. 365 days ago one year ended and a new one began. It was my goal to document my life with a blog a week for the entire journey that was the year to come. And surprisingly I sit here today with 52 stories that tell of a year full of adventure, hardship, victory, and love. Each story has spoken of some way God has captivated my heart and moved in my world over the last 12 months. And as the year comes to a close, I'm quite certain of the gift these will serve on my faith journey. The girl I was when I started, is not the girl I am today. And I suppose this might be the greatest lesson I've le...