“Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Hebrews 10:23
Endings. I hate them. A certain sadness hits as you realize that's where the story ends. I hate goodbyes. I hate leaving behind the known for an uncertain future. And to be honest while new beginnings are refreshing, they can be terrifying.
365 days ago one year ended and a new one began. It was my goal to document my life with a blog a week for the entire journey that was the year to come. And surprisingly I sit here today with 52 stories that tell of a year full of adventure, hardship, victory, and love. Each story has spoken of some way God has captivated my heart and moved in my world over the last 12 months. And as the year comes to a close, I'm quite certain of the gift these will serve on my faith journey.
The girl I was when I started, is not the girl I am today. And I suppose this might be the greatest lesson I've learned all year. People, we change. That's kind of the point isn't it? We grow. We learn. We set new goals, find new passions, and build new relationships. I think it'd be odd if I lived a whole year and couldn't say I was any different. Every moment shapes us. Some moments leave us hurting. Some moments find us healing. Other moments bring us joy. Yet, I've come to know, each moment creates us into who GOD intended us to be if we let it. And so I'm changing and so are you.
And the truth is, just like good byes, I find change hard to deal with too. Things are much simpler when everything remains the same. We know what to expect and we are comfortable. So why, when we finally have a grasp on things do we, do people, do things change? I've struggled with this. And have been left disappointed when I realize people have changed or when it hits me that relationships have changed. And I wondered why God wouldn't allow for more consistency in our lives.
My beautiful friend, as she always does, reminded me of this very truth. Everything in our world is changing, so that God remains our only constant. You see if all my friendships were consistent, my relationships with my brothers were always perfect, and my mom always knew exactly the right thing to say then my world would be pretty perfect. And perhaps then, those relationships would replace my need for faith and my need for God.
I've come to know, that God is the only constant in my life. I'm certain He sends me countless blessings to allow me to know His love. But the truth is they are all human and try as they might, they are no where near perfect. And thus they strive for growth and change. They may no longer be the people we thought they were or maybe they can no longer provide us with the love we need. People all change, however we all change differently and at different rates. God very well may be changing one part of my heart while transforming a very different part of yours. And some times change, growth, new beginnings find us leaving something comfortable behind.
I believe there is value in every relationship God shows us and sometimes they are the very thing that allows us to change. But beyond that I believe there's a true value God wants us to find in His love, the only love that is truly limitless and unending.
In less than two days I'll be facing one of the scarier moments in my life. For the first time ever, I am having surgery. It's nothing major exactly, but scary just the same. And while chances are I will be fine, in these things you never know. I'm scared, don't get me wrong, but I face this uncertainty with a newfound confidence. A confidence, I'm sure I wouldn't have known a year ago. While the doctors may screw it up, or my body may fail me, or my family might not provide A-plus recovery care for me when I get home, I know my God will show up and I know He will not fail me. I know this because He has shown me this in every single moment and situation. No matter what I face, pain, regret, happiness, hope, God faces it right along with me. And when nothing in my world seems certain, when tomorrow isn't even really certain, I'm not afraid because I know truly and deeply a certain God. A God who walks besides us always and who loves us to eternity.
The life we lead isn't easy, things aren't certain, and we will definitely face change. But I think that's the point of living. We constantly strive to be closer to the person God wants us to be each day. And while our world could shatter around us at any moment, or our fairytale could fall into place in the blink of an eye, we must be willing to adapt. Lives will end, stories will end, but trust in one ABSOLUTE truth. God's love is unending.
Endings. I hate them. A certain sadness hits as you realize that's where the story ends. I hate goodbyes. I hate leaving behind the known for an uncertain future. And to be honest while new beginnings are refreshing, they can be terrifying.
365 days ago one year ended and a new one began. It was my goal to document my life with a blog a week for the entire journey that was the year to come. And surprisingly I sit here today with 52 stories that tell of a year full of adventure, hardship, victory, and love. Each story has spoken of some way God has captivated my heart and moved in my world over the last 12 months. And as the year comes to a close, I'm quite certain of the gift these will serve on my faith journey.
The girl I was when I started, is not the girl I am today. And I suppose this might be the greatest lesson I've learned all year. People, we change. That's kind of the point isn't it? We grow. We learn. We set new goals, find new passions, and build new relationships. I think it'd be odd if I lived a whole year and couldn't say I was any different. Every moment shapes us. Some moments leave us hurting. Some moments find us healing. Other moments bring us joy. Yet, I've come to know, each moment creates us into who GOD intended us to be if we let it. And so I'm changing and so are you.
And the truth is, just like good byes, I find change hard to deal with too. Things are much simpler when everything remains the same. We know what to expect and we are comfortable. So why, when we finally have a grasp on things do we, do people, do things change? I've struggled with this. And have been left disappointed when I realize people have changed or when it hits me that relationships have changed. And I wondered why God wouldn't allow for more consistency in our lives.
My beautiful friend, as she always does, reminded me of this very truth. Everything in our world is changing, so that God remains our only constant. You see if all my friendships were consistent, my relationships with my brothers were always perfect, and my mom always knew exactly the right thing to say then my world would be pretty perfect. And perhaps then, those relationships would replace my need for faith and my need for God.
I've come to know, that God is the only constant in my life. I'm certain He sends me countless blessings to allow me to know His love. But the truth is they are all human and try as they might, they are no where near perfect. And thus they strive for growth and change. They may no longer be the people we thought they were or maybe they can no longer provide us with the love we need. People all change, however we all change differently and at different rates. God very well may be changing one part of my heart while transforming a very different part of yours. And some times change, growth, new beginnings find us leaving something comfortable behind.
I believe there is value in every relationship God shows us and sometimes they are the very thing that allows us to change. But beyond that I believe there's a true value God wants us to find in His love, the only love that is truly limitless and unending.
In less than two days I'll be facing one of the scarier moments in my life. For the first time ever, I am having surgery. It's nothing major exactly, but scary just the same. And while chances are I will be fine, in these things you never know. I'm scared, don't get me wrong, but I face this uncertainty with a newfound confidence. A confidence, I'm sure I wouldn't have known a year ago. While the doctors may screw it up, or my body may fail me, or my family might not provide A-plus recovery care for me when I get home, I know my God will show up and I know He will not fail me. I know this because He has shown me this in every single moment and situation. No matter what I face, pain, regret, happiness, hope, God faces it right along with me. And when nothing in my world seems certain, when tomorrow isn't even really certain, I'm not afraid because I know truly and deeply a certain God. A God who walks besides us always and who loves us to eternity.
The life we lead isn't easy, things aren't certain, and we will definitely face change. But I think that's the point of living. We constantly strive to be closer to the person God wants us to be each day. And while our world could shatter around us at any moment, or our fairytale could fall into place in the blink of an eye, we must be willing to adapt. Lives will end, stories will end, but trust in one ABSOLUTE truth. God's love is unending.
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