Maintenance Required.

Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes delight in my ways. Proverbs 23:26 I can't stand it. The click click cllliickk. The flashing light on the dashboard. The sputtering of a motor that has made one too many trips. I can't stand the car troubles that come with being a car owner. After I send the, "I wish I had a husband who could take care of my car" text, and make the reluctant "Sure, take my entire month's pay to fix my car" agreement, I am annoyed that the car is something I just cannot fix on my own. No matter how many owners manuals I read or YouTube videos I watch, I do not and probably never will be able to fix the car. And for someone who wants instant results and the freedom a car brings, that's quite the predicament. Cars are just one of those things, unless you are a mechanic, or a car person, they require maintenance and an expert. But to be quite frank, I hate having to rely on someone else. My trust is fragile, and even just...