whatever YOU want.
O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. Psalm 139:1 I greeted my hair guru with a smile, hugged her tight and sat down in the spinning chair. She ran her fancy comb through my outgrown blonde locks. And, as she always did, asked what we would be doing with my hair that day. To which I would confidently declare, "Whatever you want." I realize the risk I take when I sit in the chair and say those three words. And as she flips her hands through my hair and talks about color, I nod and agree. The shiny scissors quickly chop a line across my back and my hair falls to the floor. There it is, in a pile below me. And already I feel like I've shed ten pounds. A control freak to my core, I surprise myself with this free spirit when it comes to my hair. I know it's not common for every girl to walk in and literally let the hair dresser do whatever they want; my gal confirms that truth. We laugh about the girls who come in for a CHANGE and fifty pictures of hair that lo...