
Showing posts from May, 2017

Awe and Wonder.

"Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” – Salvador Dali The first time I went, I hated it. For a perfectionist who's greatest fear is rejection, the pressure was too much to bear. My line dancing was not up to par. And the day we had arrived to strut our stuff, we got kicked off the dance floor multiple times. It was the WORST; humiliation at its finest. We were not qualified with our two left feet and here "just for fun" attitude. That was the first time.  When I opened the invite and saw the gathering there at this same place, I cringed. But I would show up because I loved the people, and good country music on a Thursday night. I, however had predetermined that I'd never hit the dance floor! What I have come to know however is that my predetermination is often false.  ••• If you stopped in my office any day this week you might think I am crazy. There are scissors and glue everywhere, a collection of boxes complete enough to reach hoarder status, and...