Wisdom, Beyond Our Dreams
Wisdom: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight. My hidden talents are few and far between. But, if you know me well enough, you know I am gifted sleeper. I had no intention of watching the Royal Wedding. I knew full well that it would be happening when I was swept away and sleeping like a princess, and no amount of fluff would convince me to compromise that. At 3:43 am, however, I awoke from a dead sleep. Shocked, and barely able to open my eyes, I looked to see it was still dark. As I brought myself to some sort of consciousness, I could not believe my circumstances. In the middle of the night, I was awake. This never happens. Shuffling in the dark, I turned on the TV. I just wanted to see where the festivities were before my snoring was back in full swing. Plus, it would be fun to see her dress. I lau...