Wisdom, Beyond Our Dreams
Wisdom: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
My hidden talents are few and far between. But, if you know me well enough, you know I am gifted sleeper. I had no intention of watching the Royal Wedding. I knew full well that it would be happening when I was swept away and sleeping like a princess, and no amount of fluff would convince me to compromise that. At 3:43 am, however, I awoke from a dead sleep. Shocked, and barely able to open my eyes, I looked to see it was still dark. As I brought myself to some sort of consciousness, I could not believe my circumstances. In the middle of the night, I was awake. This never happens. Shuffling in the dark, I turned on the TV. I just wanted to see where the festivities were before my snoring was back in full swing. Plus, it would be fun to see her dress. I laughed a little to myself as the broadcasters bubbled with excitement. The future duchess would be arriving at the church any second. I knew as soon as she did, I would quickly survey the dress, form my opinion and be back to dreaming. Except, two hours later I had watched the entire royal affair from start to finish. I could not bring myself to stop watching the most beautiful and sweet, simple, yet extravagant, and seemingly pure story of love unfold before my eyes. I surprisingly awoke at 3:43 to watch someone else's fairy tale come true, and in doing so, some new desire was awoken in me for my own. There is a wisdom that is so breathtaking in the sight of real love. You cannot explain it, or always understand it, yet something is so mind boggling and true about complete love, that it stirs a life within you. I had become callused and certain that while I had plenty of love in my life, fairy tale love may never be for me. So I stopped dreaming of it, as if I could tell my heart it was not what I longed for. And then I saw a beautiful bride, walk down the aisle to meet her handsome prince, and I was not captivated any longer by the pomp and circumstance, but I was awoken to the wisdom that comes from witnessing and longing for the love beyond our dreams.
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