The Little Things

"We can do no great things; only small things with great love."
-Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

The events of this past week, for me, could be described as a whirlwind. In a matter of four days, I celebrated the birth of a new baby, remembered the loss of another, and watched in horror the news coverage of the senseless deaths of average people who had planned to spend their night watching a movie but ended up instead in the middle of a rage filled massacre. Each of these events, private or public, brought with them emotions, thoughts, and a sense of the value of a life.

Have you ever thought about what it takes for a human being to be born? I mean all these little details have to line up just right for it to happen. And once a baby is born, the organs have function just so for the baby to sustain life. So easily, one organ can fail and life no longer exists. God orchestrated perfectly this process and all these little things that make life possible. And beyond that He orchestrated just how and when and where you would be brought to life. He developed in you little details like the color of your eyes, the sound of your voice, and the length of each of your toes. All these little things, He manifested in you. And so many of these little things are good.

But in the midst of a hectic world, little things can lead to destruction too. A bullet. This little thing left human life in shambles in a town in Colorado. This little thing, changed the life of so many people forever. And became proof that sometimes the little things are misused. It makes me sad to think of all the little things the world will be without, because of those bullets; the laughs, the smiles, the hugs of those people that were lost. But I guess that's the point. Our lives are made up of so many little things. What will we do with them?

I'm trying to learn, and being constantly being reminded, that the little things are what life's about. It's easy to get caught up in big moments, huge problems, and large projects, but the details, the little things, are what really mean the most. I think we are quick to underestimate those little things. The bigger picture usually has our focus. But consider for a minute, the difference a simple smile could make for the stranger who feels like no one notices them, or the value of the dollar you give to a homeless man who will use it to buy his only food for the day. Little things add up and little things are what change lives.

Imagine a world where we all took more seriously the little things. What would look different in your life if you stopped to smell the roses, or notice the sunset, or embraced the smile from a stranger? How would you live differently if you truly realized the impact the little things you do in your life have on complete strangers, on friends, and on family?

Life is fragile. Life is quick. Life is short and unpredictable. Little moments are what build and shape a life. And to be quite honest, God is most evident, I believe, in the littlest moments. He's there in a tight embrace between two honest hearts. He's there in the moment of uncontrollable giggles between a group of life long friends. He's there in the split second of eye contact between strangers. He's there in the hand on the shoulder of a grieving parent. He's there in so many little things. But, if your not looking, you miss the little moments. And in so many ways you miss the glory of God.

Don't by pass the chance to notice little things and the chance to give little things to others. We are all only here for a brief second really. We only have a little time to show the world so much. We only have little moments, make them count! You'd be surprised at the impact you leave in the littlest ways without even knowing it!


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