United in LOVE.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27 

Whenever we go on vacations, my brothers and I play this game. It is kind of weird and questionably rude, but is called, "Spot the Euro"! The concept is simple, we just people watch and find those that do not dress or act the same, the ones that look like they are from Europe! There are a few giveaways that help us succeed at this game; clothes, shoes, accents! It is not a matter of worse or better, just an interesting observation that when placed in an environment that is not their own, people stand out! 

We had taken a group of friends to visit one of our favorite places to go to mass! As the eight of us filled the pew, we politely greeted the people around us! I recognized familiar faces here and there, having attended mass there quite often, however the girls sitting next to me were surrounded by mere strangers. 

The surprise did not hit us until we were kindly asked to bring up the gifts for communion. Three volunteered and the man quickly walked away to keep on with his work. I could not help but laugh. Like we always say, "We don't even go here!" 

The role of bringing up the gifts is an honor, one usually saved for parishioners of the church. Or at least this is what I had thought until tonight! But as our sweet teens brought up the bread and wine to become the Body and Blood, I think I truly understood the unity of the Eucharist! 

The thing is, we do not go to church there! We do not live in the area, or fill the collection basket every Sunday. We are not on the core team or in the religious ed program! We do not volunteer there! And we are not registered parishioners. But none of that made any difference to the man who asked us to participate more significantly in the mass, he just saw us as part of the church! Every time we go there, it seems we so easily become a part of the whole! 

As "professional" church hoppers we have seen our fair share of beautiful churches and been a part of amazing Masses! Everywhere we go, we are welcomed there! But beyond welcomed, we are loved. And experience love! I think maybe this has so much to with why we keep venturing out and visiting new parishes, there is a community built on our shared beliefs!  

Despite what we think, we are not that amazing. There is no reason why people should welcome us! There is no reason why we should not stand out like sore thumbs! But we do not! Instead of standing out as being unlike the whole, we are welcomed in as being just what God has called us to be, a part of the body of Christ! 

The point is, there is no boundaries when it comes to experiencing Christ! The second a church, a people, a community realizes that is the second they start living the call of Christ! God does not say, I only want the pretty or the popular. He does not call for just the smart or talented to follow Him. He wants everyone, and He wants to bring everyone to Heaven. The lame, the leper, the poor, the powerless, the weak; He wants to save us all! 

So often, I think it is easy to make ourselves the outsiders. We tell ourselves we do not belong. Or that it is not our thing. We claim we are not really a part. And maybe that works for other aspects of your life, maybe there are things that you really just do not fit into, that the "guidelines" or ridiculous rules exclude you from, but it is not like that with church! It is not like that with God. 

It seemed like there was no reason why we would be asked to bring up the gifts. But then in hindsight, why not? Why not us? Maybe we are not members of that particular parish, but we are members of the church and thus, one in the same! 

There is a universality in LOVE. And a true unity in being a member of a church that so evidentially experiences love in Christ's presence in the Eucharist! Sure, we may have our differences from time to time, but in the end we have the greatest thing in common, our faith. 

It is easy to play our little game on vacation because the thing is, it is obvious! When it comes to being a part of the church though, every one belongs! Nothing separates one from another! We all need the same things; forgiveness, hope, love! And we all run to the same place to find them, Jesus! What an amazing gift it is to say that wherever we go, whatever we do, there is one place that we always fit in, one home to which we belong, one place where we are all worthy of bringing up the gifts and sharing in the love of God? What a gift is it that God, being present in the Eucharist, brings us all together to become one body united in His love! 


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