
24 but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 9:24

How many times do you go to a doctor when you're healthy? How many times do you wake up in the morning and make a check list of all the things that feel well on you? But, in return, how many times when you're ill do you see a doctor? How easy is it for us to make a list of all the things that hurt or are making us feel unwell? We as humans can so easily identify when we are feeling sick, but little do we identify ourselves as feeling good.

Our health, like our lives, is taken for granted in so many ways. We don't appreciate what it means to be healthy until we find ourselves in that position where we feel unhealthy. We'd rather not seek out a doctor until we are absolutely desperate and the only hope we have for feeling healthy again is in the prescription they can write us.

In our lives, we are the same. When things are going smooth there's no real need to seek out our faith or turn to our God. We easily ignore the chance to be grateful for the little things that have all gone "right" to keep our lives on track and at ease. But then, when we are struck with a bump in the road, or a small tragedy, or a tough moment, we end up doing one of two things. We either run to the doctor giving Him what we have and saying "fix this", or we blame Him asking why He would not prevent this moment, this illness, or this pain. We wait until we are broken, until we hit rock bottom, to seek Him in our lives.

We know what can make us feel sick but how do we maintain a healthy body? You see nothing runs well if you don't give it maintenance. You want to live to be a 100 you can't wait til your 90 to start doing things right. You have to start now! This means that we must see the doctor, even when we are well. Like the doctor who keeps us healthy even when we are not feeling ill, God wants to feed us spiritually even when we aren't struggling in our lives. It's so easy to only turn to God in our times of trouble. But why wait until you have no other choice but to turn to Him? Why not turn to Him now in your times of joy? In times of thanksgiving? In times when you are not only bringing Him your troubles, but everything good and beautiful He has given you in your life?

God wants all of us. Not just our brokenness and not just our joy but a perfect combination of both of these things! When you're hurting or feeling unwell turn to a God that will love you and heal you in those moments. But don't give up the chance to seek Him in your times of happiness too! We can't sustain our faith by only knowing a God who heals our hurt. We must also give ourselves the chance to know a God who celebrates our joys. How much easier is it for a doctor to heal you when he knows your health history? When you know God, fully, in all moments of your life, even in your times of "illness" you will see His joy and love, and in that, the healing will become much simpler.


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