Finding Focus.

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

Colossians 3:1-4

Lately I've found myself with a wandering sense of focus. It's something I find myself struggling with almost daily. I get caught up, and distracted by, the things going on around me. Even as I write this, I am floating down the Danube on a river boat, listening to a lecture on locks, while I find myself playing scenarios in my mind, glancing at the people sitting next to me, and thrown off by every person that enters in and out of the room through the glass doors. As we tour these beautiful palaces and grand cathedrals, I see my attention escaping. I get caught up in the magic of the wedding that is going on out front or the beauty of the sun as it shines through the colors of the stain glass, and am less enthused by the number of people or years it took to build each landmark.

I start to feel almost insecure, as I hear the guides talk about the way the stones were put together or how long the army used this fortress, because these things don't capture my focus. And as each person runs with their camera from here to there taking photos of these spectacular buildings, I find myself wondering as I am swept up in the mystery of them, in what this journey means to each of them, to whom they will show these pictures when they get home, and what part they play in the bigger story.

As I thought about it, more and more I realized I do have a focus. God, His beauty and what He wants me to see have been my focus for this journey. And continuously I have found Him, in wild flowers, and streams, in flowing hills, and colorful buildings. What I'm letting distract me, however, is the focus of the people around me. I'm realizing that sometimes on journeys, and in life, people aren't seeking the same things as you. However, that does not mean what you see, what you find, or what steals your focus is wrong.

I think that each of us, in our lives, will find ourselves drawn to different avenues of expressing our love, of finding our faith, and of becoming who we are beautifully meant to be. The goal, however, is to keep your focus ultimately on God. It is easy to get captured by the earthly things. It becomes easy to focus on what the world wants us to see and in turn refusing to see what God is trying to show us. I think that's the place I find myself in now. Am I willing to trust my heart and follow the lead of God, seeking out His goodness and beauty, or will I let the pressure of those around me and a need to be like everyone else steal my focus?

He has different things to show each of us, don't let what He is showing others distract you from what He wants you to see! Place God at the center of all your desires and allow Him to show you beauty. You may not be on the same journey as everyone else, but trust that He can and will show you exactly what you need to see when you follow Him fully. What is stopping you from finding God in the center of your focus? Learn to let go of those things, so that your focus is fully on Him.


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