He will not fear evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7
I have always been a kind of dreamer. I do not know when, or where, or how I became this way but I am! My dreams, I do not think, have ever been too elaborate. Just normal size really. Sometimes they will be about my future family, or a vacation somewhere faraway. Other times I dream about what it would be like to walk in someone else's shoes. Somedays I dream about the dream house, or career, or guy. And some dreams I know are silly and others I believe in fully. This may be my greatest strength and largest burden. Dreams, when they come true are pretty amazing, when they fall by the wayside though it can hurt.
How far do you follow your dreams?
I think there is one word that describes me to perfection, COMMITED. When I believe in something, I am committed to it fully. I do not give up or give in until, without a doubt, I know it will not be possible. I am the type of girl that not only has dreams, but follows them, ALL THE WAY! And sometimes that makes me look absolutely crazy. Sometimes people wonder what in the world is wrong with me or how I could be so dedicated to something that is only a mere possibility. And while sometimes, I end up realizing those people may have been a little right, I never regret following my dreams. Because at the end of the day, I know I made every step to attempt to make them come true. And in that I know I am making every step to follow the dreams God has for me.
I think it is easy to assume we only followed God's call for us when we have found success. Those times our dreams come true, and the moments we can say God called me to this and I made the journey to follow His call are times we know we have done His will. But what happens when the dream unravels in your lap? All of sudden it feels like you made a huge mistake. All of a sudden it seems like perhaps you should not have trusted in the dream in the first place. When the dream fails, we start to feel like maybe, we have failed God or He has failed us. But, maybe it is the contrary. Maybe, failing in that dream is just preparing our hearts to chase another. Maybe God is calling us to trust Him more. Maybe He wants to walk with us in our brokenness and disappointment, embarrassment and shame. Maybe our actions to follow that dream are proof that we will continue to follow Him anywhere. And maybe we just need to let Him lead once more.
They say that blessings can come in disguise. And while I know broken dreams are not always fun, I also know that God wants the absolute best for us. This means that sometimes a broken dream is the exact thing we need. Sure, dreams are risky. They require to put yourself, your heart on the line. And most days I would not be willing to, not without knowing that God has a plan for my dreams and an ability to walk with me every step of the journey.
There are two choices really. Would you rather play on the safe side, keep your heart safe, and never follow any big dreams for the fear of being hurt? Or do you want to commit to the dream, risk a lot, and on the way allow God to build you into something holy in His name?
Dreams are beyond our sense of reality. They are the things we can barely even imagine with our own minds. The fact is, sometimes dreams will remain imaginary, but every once in awhile, when the time is right, God makes dreams come true!
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