Stand Out Together.
5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:5
We live in a world that tells us to stand out. We celebrate the individual. We are sold the idea of being an individual from the day we are born. Be yourself. Do what's best for you. In almost all things standing out, being above someone else, and excelling past the crowd is celebrated. Today, even as we cheer for a TEAM to win the big super bowl game, an individual who stands out among the rest is given the title of most valuable player. The team is rewarded but beyond that we have to reward an individual for their own personal effort. So much of our life is spent trying to figure out what separates us from our neighbor, what makes us different, and how we will be noticed when standing next to them. It's only natural growing up in this strange world that we'd feel that way. I too find myself yearning for that attention. Longing for that moment when people realize I'm different, I'm my own person, and I have my own unique things to offer them in a friendship and in this world. I push myself to do things to stand out so I won't get lost in the crowd and go unnoticed. But why in this world do we fail to notice the ways God is calling us to forget about the individual and live as one people united in Him. I have come to find that the power of the individual is powerless if it stands alone. Yes, you are a unique part of the team God is calling us to be but the story isn't just about you! Recently I have been blessed to be able to become a part of a bigger community of Christ! I have been meeting so many beautiful and strong people and I have grown so much. But I haven't grown alone. Each of us has grown together as a community leaning on each other for faith, and acceptance, and love. Alone, I can choose to be a part of this amazing movement in Christ, but alone I'm not the movement. You see all of us play a part in the community but none of us can do anything aiming only to stand out as individuals. When we abandon ourselves, and live solely for Him as one church and as one people, we have the power to change the world! God has blessed you with so many beautiful and individual gifts but they weren't given to you so that you would look better then the person standing next to you. They were given to you so that the person standing next to you would know God's love and that together both of you could continue to spread the love of God and build the community of Christ. Live your life for a greater purpose then human recognition. Live your life for the glory of God. Stop trying to stand out as yourself and start trying to stand out for being a part of something so much bigger then yourself. You are a part of the community of Christ, God knows you as the individual you are, now allow Him to work in you as a part of His amazing team.
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