
8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again;death no longer is master over Him. 10For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:8-11

The other day I'm driving home in my car and I'm blasting the Taylor Swift cd! I love and can relate to almost any Taylor Swift song in at least some small way! And anyone who knows me knows that one of my biggest dreams in life is to fall in love, get married, and have a family. These are things that Taylor sings about more often than not! And so in turn I find myself filling a part in each of her songs.

My favorite Taylor Swift song is "Mine". I love this song for a lot of reasons. And maybe it's because I can identify with the careful daughter or because the story is simple, but I could listen to that song over and over again. And it's silly because I find myself singing the lyrics to that song with such conviction and passion every time. I never really thought about why until the other night when I was speeding down the 405 totally escaped in the song.

I sing that song with a certain hope and optimism because I've heard it a million times before and I know exactly how the story ends. I know that in the song, this human couple goes through trials and challenges, but in the end they remain together by their love for one another. So I sing the entire song knowing fully well that they will be in love and together in the end, which for this type of song is a perfect happy ending. And it's weird because while I know that these people end up in love, for myself, that kind of future is not certain or guaranteed.

We constantly hear these love songs that tell us about the God who loves us and adores us a million times more then even a magical boy in a Taylor Swift song ever could. And it's true I sing these songs with that same conviction and hope because I too know the end of this story. Today, on Easter we hear the end of this story. Christ died for us and rose from the grave VICTORIOUS! But the problem is, I should be doing more then just singing the songs like I do while driving on the freeway. You see unlike the story of "Mine" which I most likely will never get to live, I am living the story in every worship song, in every lyric written, and in every Bible verse. We are living representations of the Resurrection of Christ.

Our very lives have to become more than just a sing along. We have to live our lives, knowing exactly how the story ends. It's not enough to just sing the words, we have to live our lives knowing them completely in our hearts. And it's hard to determine what that exactly means. But what that means to me is fully trusting that God knows every lyric and beat in the song. To me that means that I have to surrender myself, my will, and all that I am to Him. To me that means knowing that Christ is victorious in life and in everything and while I might be scared, or in pain, or uncertain I have to jump anyways.

It's amazing because Taylor Swift wrote the song "Mine" about her tendency to run from love and about finding the type of love that is worth believing in again. I think that is such a perfect representation of what the Resurrection is really. It's a love that's stronger than any other love we will ever know. Its a love that allows us to believe in all things. And a love that challenges us to live and love beyond our means, knowing full well that the power of Christ can overcome anything.

The Resurrection story is mine and it's yours, live like that. Be bold and brave and jump! Your God already conquered death! You know how the story ends, what else can stand in your way?


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