The Best Answer.

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” dr. suess

"What is your best love advice?" This is the question I asked each of the beautiful women at the Isaiah House as I topped their bowls of yogurt with scoops of granola and graham cracker. Love is a question I wonder about a lot! How do you find it? What's the best way to keep it? How do you know if it is real? I knew that each of these women that passed through the line would have a story to share, or a lesson they learned, or some piece of knowledge to pass on about love. Each of them have a real amount of life under their belts, and some of them have experienced more things than I will experience in my entire lifetime! I couldn't pass up the chance to soak in everything that they have learned along their journeys!

So I listened intently as each women shared their advice on love. Some had a few words of wisdom, others an entire story. Each with a message on love in it! Between the messages of "love more" and "be patient and wait", there was an underlying theme. Each women shared something about faith and trusting in God in their piece of advice. So as we sat there and took in all they had to offer in lessons of love we heard the recurring answer, you want love, seek God. Simple.

Where do you find love? Find God. When you seek God with all your heart, He leads you to perfect love. God knows what He is doing, as one women shared, each trial we face is truly a blessing as God uses it to build us and form us into who we are and when the time is right, He will bring us to a love better then anything we can imagine.

How do we keep it? Keep God. Love that is based on a love of God above all else is a love that lasts. When you seek out God in all you do it's easy to radiate love. For God's love for each of us is a true and constant reminder of how we should be giving of our love!

How do you know it's real? Follow God. When God is present in your life you hear His call in your heart! Several of the ladies shared the advice to search for the man God is calling you to not just the man you want. When you have God at the center of your life, trust that you won't be able to ignore His call in your heart.

Each of these answers flew through my mind as we drove home, and in and out of the rest of the day! And I could not get the reoccurring answer out of my head. God. I think it's an answer I already knew, and an answer I try to continue to remind myself of, but sometimes I forget the answer is so simple. It's easy for our minds to complicate things. We think that there must be more to it. And that there's no way it could all be that easy. But if the life experiences of these amazing women are proof of anything, God is the answer to questions on love and most any question we have in life.

When I started to think about it every question we ask, every answer we seek out can be be summed up in one short idea, trust God. You see in our lives everything we are and everything we become is made so much more complete when we know Christ. Without Him, the small stuff we sweat, the little things, the trials, the blessings don't matter. A lovely woman, who called herself Big Mama, shared a time in her life where she found herself asking who am I without You? What a beautiful truth. If we say we are followers of Christ and we yearn to know Him in our hearts, without Him nothing matters. No thing, no person, no experience can replace the love of Christ we are longing for. And in that way if you ask yourself any big or complicated question in life, you already know the answer. It's simple. It's God. Find Him. Know Him. Seek Him. And in Him you'll find the solution or the answer or anything it is that you are seeking!


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