The devil will try to upset you by accusing you of being unworthy of the blessings that you have received. Simply remain cheerful and do your best to ignore the devil's nagging. If need be even laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Satan, the epitome of sin itself, accuses you of unworthiness! When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!

-- Saint Theresa of Avila

It's a strange thing, when you start to see God working in every part of your life. At moments, He slides in little messages to let you know He is still there walking the journey with you. Other times, He seems to be shouting "I'm here" or "I told you" or "Wait and trust". He comes into our lives in so many different forms; through words, through songs, through nature, through people, through moments, and through quiet. And I describe this as strange for a couple of reasons. One because these messages from God, seem to only increase the more you trust and the more you search for His lead. It is a direct connection that can be, for at least my human mind, unbelievable. And two, I describe these occurrences as strange because so many times I feel unworthy of knowing these great moments that I feel like God continues to give me over and over again.

These little moments, that I know God has orchestrated in my life, happen almost continuously as of late. They are the things that happen that you have no real way to explain, but the power of God. And while I love feeling God working so beautifully in my life and I recognize the blessing that it is to know Him and to see Him moving in me, I sometimes wonder why I am worthy of all these great moments? What makes me so special? And why would God keep making Himself so evident in my life?

Sometimes I really, really wonder these things. And at moments I start to feel even guilty for having God do such awesome work in my life. I even feel bad at moments for enjoying them. But then it hits me, the story isn't all about me.

Why does God do these amazing things in my life? Well yes, I'm certain He loves me and that He wants only the absolute best for me. But more then that, Him doing these great things in my life is not just for me. He works in my life so that I can return the glory to Him. What good do these works do if I bottle them up and keep them completely to myself? They change my heart but that is it. I believe God wants me to know Him in my life, but beyond that I believe He wants me to use those moments, those people, those experiences to lead people who haven't yet seen the greatness of His love closer to Him.

Little things add up. God gives me a lot of little things. And each of these things add to the fire in my heart for God. There comes a point when that fire is burning so brightly you can't help but shine that light. God has shone light in me, so that with His continued help I can start shining that light to others. Just like God works in my life in grand gestures and tiny moments, each of us can let our light shine in both big and little ways, knowing that truly the light we shine has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him.

Never feel unworthy of all the ways God shines beauty and love into your life. He has always and will always have a plan for you and so many times without us realizing it, He works through us to bring hearts closer to Him. When you start to recognize Him working in your life, He knows without a doubt that you are capable of bringing the glory to Him through the good He does for you!

Hold onto those moments and let them become a part of everything you are because in doing so, everyone who encounters you will encounter Christ and the glory will be His!


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