HOME is where your HEART is.
But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written,”What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”
1 Corinthians 2:7-9
Home. Majority of our lives are spent within the walls that hold a roof over our head. We sleep, and eat, and exist within this place. And to most of us, home is a happy place to be. Think about the effort we put into making our homes into that safe haven. There are stores that sell just home supplies. Shows and cable channels are dedicated solely to home decorating. Entire careers are based on the interior design of homes. And admit it you've browsed the home category on Pinterest.
For me, at least, making a safe, and cozy, and pretty place to live is something I enjoy doing. Even before I could sit down and work on writing this blog, I found myself stopping to wipe down the bathroom. I, then, changed out the towels to fresh ones of pretty colors. And I do these things, not because cleaning is my favorite hobby, but because I want a nice place to live. I want a clean space to wash my face and brush my teeth. I like walking into my room and seeing pretty colors and things that hold memories. In life, my dream is to one day provide a safe and loving and cozy place for my family to grow up in and I can't help but dream up new ways to make things around the house more convenient, more comfortable, and more beautiful.
So with all this effort put into this "nesting" it's no surprise, I'm sure, that my home is also one of my favorite places. I love the feeling of coming home after a long day at work. My bed, really can't compare to any other. And I, in general, truly like being at home. Why wouldn't I though? Home is full of all my favorite things. Home is where I can let my guard down. Home is where I am the most comfortable. And there's just nothing quite like coming home.
But having a home, is a constantly evolving job. People change, their styles change, and the things they need change. And while all of us still long for that "home" feeling, our homes may change throughout our lifetimes, and yet, the feeling we seek remains the same.
I think in each of our hearts, there is a longing for that "home", the place where we are completely ourselves. A home that is the place where we know where things are and have all our needs fulfilled. And in each of us, that longing for home, is a reflection of our longing for Heaven.
It's easy to get wrapped up in our homes here on earth. We want to be home now. We want to be complete now. And home, here is just one of our attempts at Heaven on earth. But the feeling, the "home" in our lives, is just a small glimpse of Heaven. And, isn't that one of the best feelings in the world? Being home is a beautiful feeling to me. It's kind of like that moment you walk in your front door after a long trip. Sure, maybe you have been on a beautiful adventure, but your home will always bring a certain comfort and a certain beauty. Your home serves as a certain safe keeping from the world around you.
That's how I imagine Heaven. Each of us are on a beautiful trip. The sights and experiences are beyond amazing. But nothing will compare to the way we will feel complete once we finally make it home.
And the same way our homes adapt as we change them to best serve our needs, our quest for Heaven is constantly changing. And I think as we build our relationship with God, our images of Heaven change too. We change, our lives change, our homes change, but our longing for Heaven remains and love from God is constant. While we may not always seek out His love or turn our eyes to Heaven, home is constantly calling us. And the promise of home remains. People and products are prone to error. They may not always be able to provide you with all the comforts of home, God, however, will constantly fill you and bring home to your heart over and over again as you keep running to Him.
So many little things serve as glimpses of Heaven here on earth. Love, is one of these things. Home, is another. Beauty, joy, comfort are all little pieces of Heaven. And they will fill little pieces of our hearts, but all of us should hold in our hearts that desire for home. That longing for Heaven. And isn't it amazing that a perfect home in eternity awaits each of us, despite our income, or our taste, or our interior design methods.
It's easy to get so consumed by our homes here, but we should be most concerned with the home we are heading to and how we fill that desire for home. Sure, the comforts of this world offer the home feeling with the swipe of a credit card or the swapping of cash, but don't be fooled, that comfort is only temporary. The home your heart seeks, cannot be fully purchased at Pottery Barn or built at the Home Depot. It's a home that's felt through knowing Christ and striving for the home He has built for you!
Push the people you love towards home, and don't forget the feeling that "home" brings to you. The greatness of that feeling will only be multiplied tenfold when you reach Heaven. Live for that home!
I love this, it was exactly what I needed to be reminded of! Thank you :)